It’s a DLC special this week in the Indie Round Up. As we’ve got extra content for two fabulous games that really add to each experience. So settle in, pay the extra and lets see what’s on offer.

A Little to the Left – Seeing Stars (DLC)
Whilst A Little to the Left is just one of the most relaxing and enjoyable games of the last few years, I have finished it more than once. I’ve even rinsed the Cupboards and Drawers DLC. So when a chance to play yet more levles of arranging and tidying, you better believe I am all in.
Seeing Stars does pretty much offer up more of the same, but Max Inferno manage to keep things feeling fresh, with some interesting theming and minor twists. With Seeing Stars that is no exception.
Across the 30+ levels here, you will get the more traditional tidying, but also levels that have multiple solutions, some of which are obvious, others that need a bit of tinkering and lateral thinking. But everything is logical and makes sense.
However, I did find myself a little less engaged with Seeing Stars when compared to the Cupboards and Drawers DLC. But I can’t put my finger on a reason. Both are interesting additions at a pretty reasonable price and both have plenty of variety, but C&D just felt better.
But saying one is better than the other is like having your preference to ice cream. You’ll like most of tyhe flavours and enjoy them, but sometimes one just hits you right and that is the case here. If you’ve played the base game and the other DLC and liked them both, then this is simply a must buy.

The Talos Principle 2 – Road to Elysium DLC
I thought that The Talos Principle 2 was one of the finest games of 2023 and one of the most well crafted games you could ever wish to play. So if you want to offer me more time in that world, then I am all yours.
I’ll state from the off. If you haven’t yet finished TTP2, then hold fire on the DLC and get the game finished. Because whilst this isn’t strictly a full follow on, it would ruin some of the main game if you decided to go back.
As before the exploration is like going on a virtual holiday, the visuals and the world design are impeccably well crafted and the puzzles just add to the experience. You will easily get lost (metaphorically) in the world, taking your time exploring and attempting puzzles at your own pace.
The DLC is actually a three-part affair, with each being a ‘episode’ spin off compared to the main games ‘movie’. Yet all three don’t feel any less epic. You will get the usual feelings of relief and joy when you work out how to and then subsequently do beat a puzzle. It is something TTP can do better than any other game I’ve played and the DLC doesn’t detract from that at all.
Croteam of made something special in The Talos Principle and the Road to Elysium just adds to the whole thing in the most wonderous way. A must buy!!!